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Lydian Simulator   

Lydian Simulator

    Simple Host Simulation with Lydian

    Lydian is 64-bit SECS-I/HSMS/GEM simulator.

  • Write script in C#
    Have you written scripts in SecSim Pro proprietary script language? Even if you spend huge amount of your time on learning such script language, the knowledge is not reusable when you switch the simulator app. If you go outside of semiconductor industry, it is totally waste of your time.

    You can use C# or Visual Basic with Lydian. It is not restricted version. It's a full version of C#.
  • Amazingly inexpensive - Starting at under $1300 without initial cost
    Almost all the GEM/SECS/HSMS software supplier companies request you to pay multi-thousand dollers fee called "development license" before you start development. This is, for example, similar to " security deposit " when you rent an apartment, and usually landlord never return back after the contract is over. Another way to suck your money is " annual support contract ". Such companies will charge you money all the time.

    We never request such kind of additional fees. Support for your questions and provide version-ups for free of charge.

    In addition, other companies don't disclose retail price. We are explicitly showing the prices on our web site. You do't have to get a quote separately. It is obvious how much discount you can get by ordering multiple licenses.

    Price - Lydian
    # of Order @ Unit Price
    1~2 US$ 1,600
    3~9 US$ 1,400
    10~19 US$ 1,300
    20~ ASK

  • 64-bit is supported

    Lydian supports 64-bit (x64) plugins.

  • Windows 11 and Visual Studio 2022 compatible

    Lydian is compatible with Windows 11. Also Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.

  • Free evaluation version - Try before buying

    You can download evaluation version at any time from our web site. Please try how good Dixie works. Of course, it is $0 (free). You can spend as much time as you want before buying product.

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