Jazz Softは2024年、日本からアメリカのニューヨーク州に移転しました。
bop リファレンス
プロパティ ALIDCode ALIDCount ALIDDescription CEIDCount CEIDDescription Communication ControlState ControlStateSwitch DeviceID DiscardDuplicatedBlock Function HexDump Host IniFile IPAddress LocalPortNumber LogFileBakCount LogFileEnable LogFileEnableCommunication LogFileName LogFileSize LogicalConnection LogicalConnectionFileName Node NodeCount NodeType NodeValue NodeValueHex OfflineRequest OnlineRequest PassiveEntity PhysicalConnection PortNumber PType Reply SessionID SML Stream SType SystemBytes T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Verification VIDCount VIDDefault VIDDescription VIDMax VIDMin VIDNodeType VIDRawValue VIDType VIDUnit VIDValue ViewStyle WaitBit WorkSpace メソッド Configure DefProc IndexToALID IndexToCEID IndexToVID InvokeAlarm InvokeEvent IsValidVID Load LoadIniFile RegisterALID RegisterVID Save Send UnregisterALID UnregisterVID WriteToLogFile イベント CommunicationStateChanged Connected ConnectionStateChanged ControlStateChanged Errors Received Sent VIDChanged
PType プロパティ
HSMS P type. If the message content is SECS-II, this is 0. However, since at the present time no other P type than 0 has been provided for, anything but 0 will cause an error.