Result of verification of a received message. This is one of the following.
Correct | 0 | In compliance with SEMI E.5 (SECS-II). |
UserDefined | 1 | User-defined message. |
Incorrect | 2 | Not in compliance. |
IncorrectAndReply | 3 | Not in compliance, but reply is via secondary message rather than S9F7. |
NoWBit | 4 | Required W bit absent. |
WBit | 5 | Unneeded W bit present. |
WrongDirection | 6 | Message direction is backwards. |
UnrecognizedStream | 7 | Undefined stream. |
UnrecognizedFunction | 8 | Undefined function. |
When a message is received, the message structure is verified within bop. The result of this check is set in Verification, and a Received Event is generated.
short GetVerification();
void SetVerification(short sNewValue);
Return Value
See Also
Received Event