ALID classification code. Handled as ALCD. Even when a value is set in ALIDCode, only the last 7 bits are recorded. The top bit of ALCD is used to mean generation/clearing of alarms, and this bit is specified by the InvokeAlarm argument.
If ALID is not registered, it is not possible to set a value. The following method is used to obtain a list of registered ALID.
First find how many ALIDCount there are.
lCount = .ALIDCount
ALIDCount will return the number of registered ALID,so values that can be used as the index are those from 0 to (ALIDCount - 1). Using IndexToALID, this is converted to ALID.
lALID = .IndexToALID(lCnt)
The ALID has been obtained, so it is possible to access ALIDCode and ALIDDescription.
strALTX = .ALIDDescription(lALID)
This should be arrayed by repeating the For statement. The full source code will be displayed.
Dim lCount As Long
lCount = .ALIDCount
Dim lCnt As Long
For lCnt = 0 to lCount – 1
Dim lALID As Long
lALID = .IndexToALID(lCnt)
Dim nALCD As Integer
Dim strALTX As String
strALTX = .ALIDDescription(lALID)
Next lCnt
Property ALIDCode(lALID As Long) As Integer
short GetALIDCode(long lALID);
void SetALIDCode(long lALID, short nNewValue);
Return Value
See Also
ALIDCount Property
ALIDDescription Property
IndexToALID Method
InvokeAlarm Method